Addressing and Reporting Financial Exploitation of Senior and Vulnerable Adult Investors

NASAA, the SEC, and FINRA have provided this training presentation as a service to the securities industry. Firms can use this presentation to train associated persons about how to detect, prevent, and report financial exploitation of senior and vulnerable adult investors.
The training serves as a resource for firms implementing the requirements of the federal “Senior Safe Act” (Section 303 of the ‘‘Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act’’) and the state training requirements for certain firms and financial institutions relating to senior investor protection and set forth in Connecticut Gen. Statutes 16b.463.
As of June 2021, the training satisfies state training requirements for certain firms and financial institutions relating to senior investor protection and set forth in Florida Statutes Section 517.34; Nevada NRS Sec. 90.614; New Mexico NMSA 1978, Section 58-13D-7; Puerto Rico OCFI Reg. No. 7900, Art. 3 §1; and Washington RCW 74.34.220.