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WASHINGTON, D.C. (October 22, 2015) – The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) today announced the appointment of Maryland Securities Commissioner Melanie Senter Lubin to represent state securities regulators on the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC). Lubin replaces former North Carolina Deputy Securities Administrator David S. Massey as NASAA’s representative on the FSOC.

The FSOC is responsible for coordinating financial regulators to identify systemic risks to the nation’s financial stability. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act authorizes a state securities regulator, state insurance commissioner, and a state banking supervisor to serve as non-voting members of the FSOC.

“As the closest regulator to investors, state securities regulators have a strong record of identifying developing trends before they impact the larger financial system. The inclusion of a NASAA representative on the FSOC represents the clear recognition by Congress of the value of state securities regulation,” said NASAA President and Maine Securities Administrator Judith M. Shaw. “NASAA will be well represented on the FSOC by Commissioner Lubin.”

Lubin was selected by NASAA’s Board of Directors to represent state securities regulators on the FSOC following Massey’s retirement. She has served as Maryland Securities Commissioner in the Office of the Attorney General since her appointment in 1998.

Lubin has served on NASAA’s Board of Directors, most recently as Treasurer, and chairs NASAA’s Central Registration Depository/Investment Adviser Registration Database (CRD/IARD) Steering Committee. She also chaired NASAA’s Senior Designation Task Force, as well as the IARD development project for NASAA and continues to oversee the system and its enhancements.

NASAA is the oldest international organization devoted to investor protection and efficient capital formation. Its membership consists of the securities administrators in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Canada and Mexico. For more information, visit

For More Information:
Bob Webster | Director of Communications


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